
Sunday, 29 January 2017

*Aesthetic treatments*... My views and Experience

Heyyyy Beautys!! 

Ive been thinking about doing a post on this for a while now as its become so popular in the last year or so.. 

I want to start by saying everyone has there own opinion on things like this, and i don't think its wrong either way your feeling towards it. But PERSONALLY i don't think there is anything wrong with having things done to enhance your natural beauty. 
Ill always be honest about anything I've had or have done. I feel people can be very negative towards people who have things done. I'm probably one of the first to say something if i think someone has gone too far with it and made themselves look worse, but as long as you keep it all very natural and minor edits to what your not so happy about i think it can be good thing.. Like why the hell not!! 

Now by saying "not so happy with" that doesn't mean I'm unhappy or insecure or worry about what people say about me or think about me. Its literally all for myself and how i feel about ME!! No one else should change the way you feel about yourself. I think it would be wrong to get something done if someone tells you they don't like something about you. But if its all for you and you only then i don't see the problem! 

My experience 

I had nose filler around a year and a half ago as i have always stressed about a TINY bump on the middle of my nose. It was something i definitely could live with as i had for 25 years.. but once i found out you could have filler in it to get rid of it temporarily i thought id give it a go!! Now il be honest everyone who knows I've had this done all said i didn't even need to, and il always appreciate my friends and family advise but as it was for me it didn't matter what anyone else said. 
When i went to have it done i was quite nervous about it, i didn't really know what to expect. The lady used numbing cream so i wouldn't feel any pain and i didn't which was good. I had the filler just above and slightly below the bump so it evened it out which it did completely and i loved it!!! I'm not gonna lie no one really noticed it. Even the ones i had told. I liked that. i didn't want people to notice. I had a few comments like "why would you spend that money if you can't tell?" But I could tell, thats what mattered most. It was small things like when i took a picture you could see it slightly from a side angle. it was nice not to have that anymore.
Anyway mine lasted around a year i would say. Its only recently I've started to notice it more which to be honest didn't really bother me too much, even though i was used to not having it anymore. I was really debating wether to have it done again as i was like ahhhh is it that much of a big deal? so left it and left it. But last week i decided to have it re done and again I'm so so happy i did. I love it and I'm not ashamed to admit it! :)
I started going to a lady in essex to have my eyelashes done and when i was there i found out she also does the nose filler. I had seen a few before and afters on her instagram so decided to book in with her for it as i trust her so much. She's done such a fab job and il recommend her to anyone. 

Before and After 
So happy with my results thanks to the amazing Maggie! Instagram - Beautyboxbymaggie

Also... I have yes had my lips done. I have fairly big lips anyway so it was again more to give it ago to try it out. I'm again so happy I have but i wouldn't be like omg i couldn't live with my own natural lips cause i most definitely could. Im just a Why not kinda gal! 
I had them done the same time i had my nose done the first time a year and half ago. I only had 0.5 if that!! As like i said i had plump lips any way. I loved it and it lasted me a year or so and like my nose I was in no rush to have it done again but decided to go to Maggie to have them re done which was in august 2016 and as always she has done a fab job. I Love them :)

This below picture is before i had any nose or lip filler so as you can see i already had lips to start with!! 

This picture is now, All very naturally done. Also this is heavily lip lined which also makes a HUGE difference!!!! 

If your looking to have any Aesthetic treatments done just do your research, keep it nice and natural and you'll be fine!!!! <3 

Kells xxx


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

This weeks top purchases...


Ahhh SO, its been a while since i last posted, I've had a super super busy few months, Literally mental!!! But I'm BACK.. and I'm so excited to start blogging again each week and hopefully bring you all some exciting..... umm, things to read? Feed to read? No idea. 

I thought id start off with my top purchases of the week as I've been a little bit naughty and had a mini spend up. (just like most weeks) oops. 

NUMBER 1. - Laura Mercier BODY & BATH in Ambre Vanille body butter 

I was out for my friend Chloe's birthday last weekend and whilst we were all getting ready she was like, Kelly smell this... she put the cream on my hand and genuinely i nearly past out with how insane this cream smelt, honestly Its SO GOOD plus it feels amazing on your skin. I got home Sunday and ordered it straight away which is very unlike me as I'm the most forgetful person EVER... but proved how much i loved it. The only thing il say is that i can imagine it would run out fairly quick if using everyday as its not like a runny based cream so 100% only using this on special occasions. So yeah,  thanks again Chlo!! 


NUMBER 2 - LuMee LED iPhone 6 Plus case in Rose gold

I am soo excited about this guys... i have wanted to get one of these for AGES but like i said previously I'm so forgetful and unless i do it there and then i don't think about it again until i see it, and majority of the time i see one of these is if I'm on a night out and someone has one on there phone and lets be honest I'm not really in a fit state to order one!! I have actually got a ring light at home that i use for a lot of my selfies but obviously i can't take that everywhere with me... Imagine trying to squeeze that in ya clutch! 
You know when your watching some girls snapchats and there in bed with no make up on still looking flawless and fleeky... GIRL they got a Lumee!!! 


Number 3 - Fitbit alta Wristband 

I can't wait to get this set up tomorrow!!! I've seen so many people with these on and talking about them. I'm not going to lie my main reasoning for actually buying one is because i was watching Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian and one of the trainers told one of the girls she was to walk 12,000 steps a day minimum and this got me all excited and i fully went on and brought one. ha! But no to be honest where I'm on my feet all day i am interested in how many steps i do anyway plus i would love a target of 12,000 steps a day I'm hoping it will get me outside a little more too. I worked out thats burning 400/600 calories a day dependent on how fast your going obviously, But that plus a workout and your loving life!! 

NUMBER 4 - Kenra Professional Toner's Guy Tang 

I've been waiting so long for these products to come to the UK and finally Sallys suppliers are stocking them. Yayyyy. I did my best friends hair and thought it was a good excuse to try them out. (Luckily she trusts me). Emma's hair was a lovely blonde anyway but she had a build up of silver shampoo on her hair which made parts slightly dull looking so we pre lightened it to above a level 10, i then rinsed this off and blast dried it. Then toned it using 10SM mixed with 10 vol and left it for 12 minutes. The usual time is 20 minutes if you want it ultra SILVER but i still want to lift parts of emma's hair before  doing that. i will always recommend going in to a salon to get this done as it takes so much time and effort, and you have to be so careful lightning or lifting hair!!!

Any questions on anything leave comments below :) 

kells xx 


Thursday, 29 September 2016



So it was my birthday last monday... the 19th september and i had such a lovely couple of weeks with friends and family celebrating it. I fully believe you should long it out for atleast 2 weeks or even the month of your birthday and make plans for it throughout. ha.

I had an insane holiday with my best Em and parents the week before my birthday in Spain as your all probably aware of from the previous outfit posts i made. The day after i got back i went for a BIRTHDAY EVE lunch with the family, obviously demolished 3 courses as i had a great excuse!!!! Was lush to spend time with everyone. Oh and how cute are these by the way that i received off my 2 nephews and Niece. 

Soo adorable!!! Comfiest slippers I've worn, basically lived in them since then!! 
Heres the link to them if you love them as much as me  -
Anyway that was the sunday, then the monday was my actual birthday.. so Woke up replied to all my lovely messages i got then got ready for my day out in london with my mum and her friend. We got the train around 10am, Standard my mum and Lynne both bought a bottle of prosecco each for us to share on the train down which got us a little excited for the day ahead!!! ha! 

When we got to london we decided to go straight to Oxford street and do a small amount of shopping, Thats where i got these Babys!!!!
Incredible i know.... I can't actually find the link, but i got them from River island. 

We then made our way to Madison Roof top bar where we had a couple of cocktails each, Great vibe i really liked it. Views were amazing. Then we ended up in Sushi Samba for dinner. My new favourite spot. Views again were innnnnsane and the food and vibe was out of this world. Really Loved it!!! All in all was a great birthday day!!! 

The weekend after was my time with the girls!!! We all went down to London on the saturday, had a lovely healthy lunch at nandos to settle our stomachs for the night ahead then headed to MAC to get our make-up done. If I'm completely honest it wasn't amazing.. like I've had my make-up done there before and loved it but where I'm very particular about how i do mine now and know EXACTLY how i like it i just think it wasn't for me if that makes sense just needed to be slightly heavier for a night out, was a shame but it was fine, i just did my own touches to it when i got back. :) But anyway whilst i was in Selfridges i Got myself a couple of birthday gifts... as you should... 

The lipstick is Obviously Christian Louboutin. I had to get one, there just.... yeah. Probably more so for the packaging ha!! The link to the lipstick is
Then from MAC i got Eyelashes in number 48 - i don't have a picture of these as i well and truly demolished them after my night out!!! i do try to re use them when i can though!!

For the Saturday night out this is what i wore - 


BAG - Valentino 

The Second night only a few of us went out which was a HUGE STRUGGLE after night 1 but we did it!!!  Definitely didn't feel our freshest monday thats for sure!! hahaha. Anyway this is what i wore.... 

Absolutely loved this... such a birthday number!! 

My beautiful girls at the weekend, So lucky to have them <3

These are a few other gifts i received for my birthday that are worth sharing 

NARS RADIANT CREAMY CONCEALER - Light 2 - Vanilla - i use this for my contour under the eyes - don't get better!!!

LAURA MERCIER TRANSLUCENT SETTING POWDER - everyone needs this in there life! 

CAMERA - Got this from my Parents for my birthday and its the best thing I've got. As you can tell i like a picture or 2.... worth every penny!!!! 


kells xxx


Wednesday, 28 September 2016



This had to be my favourite outfit from the holiday guys.. so simple but affective. Literally can't go wrong with a shirt dress and strappy shoes. This dress was actually a long shirt.. i got it in a TALL on asos around 2 years back. Managed to find similar styles the links will follow!!! :) 

SHIRT DRESS - ASOS - ( no longer on their but found this instead which is only £12 from Misguided!!!!

SHOES - Again i got these as a present from a friend from MATALAN, i love them soon much!! but i can't find them so these are the closest i could get - 
or these 

Kells xxx



Not quite Bondi beach........


SUNGLASSES - £2 (such a bargain and there amazing)

Kells xxx





TOP - So basically.. i got this top a while back from and it came with matching shorts which had little tassels at the bottom but unfortunately a few fell off, so decided to cut them all off and made a brand new top out of it. 

SKIRT - - Size - Small

SHOES - - £20

Kells xxx


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Spanish Nights... Outfit Number 4.. And a cheeky Swimsuit!

We found the cutest little place yesterday called Fustera Beach around 25 minutes drive away from where we live. It was only tiny, like a small cove but was nice to find somewhere new to go than the usual.. mix it up, you know. Had it's own beach bar/restaurant called 'Mandala' where we obviously ordered a few mojitos, which were incredible i might add. Me and em went on a little adventure around the back of the beach as there were little walk ways and stairs going off to different places.. so clearly we was going to have a mooch. We found some beautiful views!!!!

  • Swimsuit - Missguided -£20 
  • Shoes - River island £35

Last  night we went in to Moriara which is around 10 minutes from us, but the opposite way to javea. Managed to squeeze in a couple of Sangrias in the marina before heading to our favourite italian restaurant 'Rodolfo's'. Quite a chilled one for us again.. but you can't always burn the candle at both ends..ey!!

Outfits -  i decided to go for tribal kinda vibes with the tassles and colours. Almost wore a black off the shoulder top but trying to change it up as i wear black pretty much every day for work etc.


  • Skirt - Zara - £49
  • Top - Zara - £15 
  • Shoes - Pretty little thing 

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